

keeping pace with the times, seeking development, seeking truth and being practical, creating a new situation of standardized development

source: time:2020-03-10 11:11:31 views:

the first aspect: 2015 work summary
1. the brand strategy is steadily promoted in optimization and improvement;
2. the quality of employees is constantly improved in learning practice;
3. corporate culture shows its characteristics in self-criticism;
4. remarkable achievements have been made in the work of new technology reserve.
the second aspect: main tasks of the company in 2016
1. expand sales, reduce costs and improve economic benefits
to be customer-oriented; to integrate resources for our use; to strengthen financial management and control, to do a good job in cutting costs and increasing efficiency
2. strengthen the training, improve the mechanism and improve the quality of all staff
optimize the training system; increase training efforts; improve the promotion mechanism; pay close attention to management, create an atmosphere, and improve team performance.
3. continue to promote the project management system
we should continue to promote the "project manager responsibility system". only when we fully realize the importance of the project manager, can we rely on the successful operation of the project and realize the gorgeous transformation of the company. therefore, we should focus on the eight words of "responsibility, process, standard and assessment".
4. promote corporate culture and enhance team cohesion
"summarize and share" culture; "practice the first line" culture; "self-criticism" culture.
5. strengthen system construction and enhance team execution
all departments at all levels should not only define the objectives, improve the process, reward and punishment in place, strengthen the institutionalized management, but also use the spiritual working methods, improve the communication awareness and communication skills, and do a good job in humanized management. it is necessary to define responsibilities in accordance with responsibilities, make plans against objectives, and follow the planning process to vigorously promote the process.
6. improve the ability of prevention and ensure the stable development of the enterprise
all employees, especially the manufacturing department, must firmly establish the safety concept of "the rise and fall of the enterprise is based on safety, and everyone is responsible for safety", keep a high degree of vigilance and sense of responsibility at all times, form a situation of joint management, and do a good job in safety work conscientiously and solidly.
