

energy saving propaganda, we are in action

source: time:2020-03-10 11:52:05 views:

on the morning of june 13, hengyuan waste as a well-known solid waste overall solution provider was invited to participate in the energy conservation publicity week of weifang city and linqu county. 

  weifang railway station  

in the weifang activity venue, ma liantao, chairman of the company, as the representative of the "energy conservation and emission reduction seminar", carried out the promotion and publicity of solid waste resource utilization technology in the whole city.


in the lecture, chairman ma liantao focused on the idea that "solid waste utilization can create green water and green mountains, and green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", and
the technology of preparing high-performance lightweight aggregate from industrial solid waste by collaborative disposal is explained in depth. the technology and equipment include large amount of solid waste, high yield and low energy consumption, electronic control automation
the six characteristics of waste heat reuse, flue gas odor treatment and small investment have greatly improved the efficiency of comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste resources;
at the same time, it is proposed that the comprehensive utilization of large amount of industrial solid waste meets the two needs of the current society, one is the market demand of large amount of industrial solid waste recycling,
one is the shortage of green new materials to replace aggregate. the two market demands are consistent with the "two mountains theory" proposed by the state,
meet the requirements of circular economy and energy conservation and environmental protection green development.



  linqu station 

at the site of linqu energy conservation week and low carbon day, the company divided the exhibits into solid waste, green high-performance lightweight aggregate and green new building materials
the purpose of the three units is to call on the units that discharge solid waste to follow the requirements of energy conservation and green development for reasonable disposal of solid waste.

guo jiarong, member of the standing committee of the cpc linqu county committee and executive deputy head of the county, duan qingkong, deputy director of the standing committee of the people's congress of linqu county, xu dian yong, vice chairman of the cppcc linqu county committee
meichuanjie, director of the economic and information bureau of linqu county, zhang xianwen, secretary of the energy saving office of the economic and information bureau and his delegation visited the company's propaganda station,
and affirmed the company's achievements in energy conservation and emission reduction.

