

the company won the technical innovation award of concrete and cement products industry in 2019

source: time:2020-03-10 13:18:54 views:

 at the ccpa industry conference in 2019, the company's "technology and equipment for producing high-performance ceramsite lightweight aggregate by waterfall rotary kiln" won the technical innovation award.


 since its establishment in 2011, the award has become the most popular and authoritative award for scientific research, development and production in the industry. there are 80 awards applied for this time. our company "technology and equipment for producing high-performance ceramsite lightweight aggregate by waterfall rotary kiln" stands out in the technical development projects and becomes the only listed enterprise in the field of high-strength lightweight aggregate technology and equipment.


 the technology focuses on environmental protection and waste utilization, adopts advanced production process and efficient energy-saving kiln to prepare high-strength lightweight aggregate, and obtains unanimous praise from the judges with bright spots such as greatly lower production energy consumption than the same industry, generally greater than 10mpa cylinder pressure strength of finished products, equipped with ultra-low emission flue gas treatment system and unattended automatic control degree.


hengyuan waste thanks ccpa experts, judges and colleagues for their recognition of the company's technology and equipment, and will take this as a starting point to export more and higher quality projects and products to enterprises and the society, so as to better serve the utilization of solid waste resources and the application of new green high-performance lightweight aggregate.
